UTM Cities receive an exclusive first preview of the UTMC Platform

On the 5th of June 2023, Urban Transitions Mission (UTM) cities took part in the pre-launch event of the Urban Transitions Mission Centre (UTMC) platform.

This online platform is one of the services provided by the UTMC – a project funded by the European Union – dedicated to supporting the UTM by facilitating sharing of knowledge and capacity building for cities embarking on net-zero transitions. Moreover, the UTMC Platform has an indirect contribution to the acceleration of the progress towards the Paris Agreement goals and pathways to net zero.

The event started with opening remarks from Giorgia Rambelli, Urban Transitions Mission Director and Margit Noll, Chair of the JPI Urban Europe Management Board.

Elli Tzatzanis-Stepanovic, Project Coordinator at the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) provided insight on the Consortium Partners and the UTMC project, namely the fundamental WHY, HOW and WHAT that are the foundation for the platform.

The platform was presented by Karel van Oordt Montalvo, Project Coordinator at Eurocities and Nicola Manisi, User Success Manager at LGI. Participants got the chance to learn first-hand about the benefits that the platform will bring to their work and the features and opportunities that are being currently developed. Moreover, participants were given a live demo of the registration process, key features offered by the platform and got the chance to test it live and ask questions.

The session ended with the announcement of the next online event taking place July 5th,  marking the launch of the platform’s Knowledge Repository.

It was truly an honour to witness the cities’ enthusiastic interest in the platform, their active engagement and notice their unwavering commitment to urban sustainability and climate-neutral transitions.

City representatives, policymakers, partners, experts, and others interested in joining the platform can do so at: https://www.utmc.app/.

For more information on how to use the platform, you can watch the videos below:

Register as a City Officer
Register as a Community of Practice or Local Partner

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