July 20th: Mayors-Ministers Dialogue: Future-proofing urban infrastructures

Cities are home to more than half of the global population and account for more than 70% of final global energy consumption and these figures are expected to rise. The energy challenge is an urban challenge, and cities are essential to achieve a sustainable transition to a climate neutral, resilient world.

This high-level dialogue discusses how to accelerate the uptake of innovative urban infrastructure solutions, through holistic approaches that can respond to complex cities’ needs to build, operate, and maintain sustainable infrastructures.

National and local government leaders exchange on opportunities, challenges, and ways forward to mainstream climate considerations in investments and development of infrastructures in cities – from buildings, network infrastructures to urban assets.

The session showcases National strategies that inform and facilitate the removal of barriers to implementation, and cities’ successes in spearheading innovation, supporting national goals through effective multilevel relationships, and by working with institutional and private sector investors to stay the course set by the Paris Agreement.

This dialogue helps channel the voice of cities and communities worldwide, informing and influencing the scope and pace of clean energy innovation, providing a platform to exchange on:

  • Driving ambition: removing barriers to implementation of systemic innovations in partnership with and across all levels, to reach net-zero
  • Delivering on commitments: increasing investment potential and accelerating financial flows and market opportunities for the implementation of smart, sustainable, integrated infrastructures
  • Leveraging innovation: tapping cities’ potential as solutions providers, working together to close the gap between research, development and deployment of solutions


For more information check here.  

To follow the session live on Thursday 20th July at 10:45 IST / 07:00 CEST  here. 

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