Date: Monday, 4 December 2023
Time: 11:30 – 12:30 (GST) / 8:30 – 9:30 (CET)
Location: Multi-level Action and Urbanisation Pavilion (MAUP) – COP 28, Dubai, UAE
About the event:
Urban systems are complex and multi-faceted, and this session zooms in on the holistic approaches undertaken by the UTM cohort of cities to respond the immediate needs to build, operate, maintain, and future-proof infrastructures and services provided to their community. The session showcases a number of direct experiences, solutions tested and options available across sectors to halve emissions by 2030.
The session discusses resources needs and gaps, including cross-sectoral challenges related to data access and use, effective governance, and lack of finance. It addresses engagement of private sector and financial institutions as an essential element to accelerate urban transitions by helping de-risk investments, test new blended finance models, consolidate procurement of innovation, and expand access to both data and capacity to develop evidence-driven investment planning and goal setting.

Asif Nawaz Shah, Specialist, Inclusion & Constituency Engagement COP28 Presidency

Minna Arve, Mayor, Turku, Finland

Joana Presas Pinto Balsemão, Councillor, Cascais, Portugal

Germano Bremm, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Andy Deacon, Co-managing Director, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM)

Hiro Ito, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (TBC)

Eszter Mogyorósy, Head of Innovative Finance, ICLEI World Secretariat

Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar, Urban Resilience, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructures (CDRI)

Eleanor Webster, Head of Mission Innovation Secretariat