Cities, policymakers and governments worldwide join forces to find solutions for their urban transitions.
The Urban Transitions Mission Centre (UTMC) is supporting the activities of the Urban Transitions Mission (UTM) enabling a wide international knowledge and practice network of cities and urban stakeholders and driving urban transitions globally. It offers a global platform that promotes urban sustainability strengthening links among policy, implementation, and funding via exchanges that transcend national and world regions’ borders.
The webinar will introduce the newly launched Urban Transitions Mission Centre platform. Developed in support of the Urban Transitions Mission, The Urban Transitions Mission Centre is a global platform that promotes urban sustainability and facilitates climate-neutral transitions. The UTMC helps cities to bridge knowledge and capacity gaps by linking cities with policy, implementation, and funding solutions via exchanges that transcend national and world Regions’ borders.
Building on the European Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, the UTMC supports the activities of the Urban Transitions Mission of Mission Innovation, and it enables a wide international knowledge and practice network of cities and urban stakeholders that helps drive transitions globally. It will enable cities to build their capacity in a networking environment with access to knowledge and tools on urban systems integration, technology developments, successful policies, investment and funding opportunities, as well as the cobenefits, mistakes and trade-offs that cities encounter in the pathway towards a net-zero urban environment.
For more information and to access the platform visit: UTMC – UTM
If you want to join us, you can do so by attending the online event here.