
Co-Create your City Workshop

On June 04, 2024, a workshop session was held within the framework of the UTMC project, as part of its capacity-building initiatives. The session focused on the Co-creation concept and was organised by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL).

Co-creation is highly recommended in the urban transition process due to its numerous benefits. Co-creation involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including citizens, government officials, businesses, and researchers, to develop solutions that are innovative and closely aligned with the needs of the community. This approach fosters greater engagement, ensures diverse perspectives are considered, and increases the likelihood of successful and sustainable outcomes.

In the context of the UTMC project, which aims to support cities in their urban transition journeys, showcasing the co-creation approach was deemed highly relevant. The workshop session began with an introduction to the co-creation concept, exploring its uses and advantages, particularly in terms of citizen engagement. It highlighted how co-creation ensures that innovative ideas, solutions, or products are aligned with stakeholders’ needs throughout the innovation process.

One of the significant benefits of co-creation is enhanced innovation. By involving diverse stakeholders, co-creation brings together different perspectives, leading to more creative and innovative solutions. Additionally, it increases engagement by encouraging active participation from citizens, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the implemented solutions. Co-creation also ensures better alignment with the actual needs and preferences of the community, leading to higher satisfaction and adoption rates.

Furthermore, co-creation improves trust and transparency among stakeholders, enhancing the decision-making process. It also leads to more sustainable outcomes, as solutions developed through co-creation consider long-term impacts and benefit from the input of all relevant parties.

During the workshop, participants were introduced to co-creation toolkits created for the UNALAB project. The UNALAB project aims to develop and implement innovative nature-based solutions for urban resilience, focusing on water management, climate adaptation, and ecosystem services in cities. These toolkits are designed to assist cities in their co-creation processes.

Additionally, participants engaged during the session in a hands-on exercise to select the relevant toolkit for fictional case studies presented by the trainer, providing practical experience in applying co-creation methods.

Co-creation is not just a method; it is a transformative approach that can significantly enhance the urban transition process, making cities more livable, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of their inhabitants.

If you missed the session, you can view the recording online.

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